This Week at Legacy

Dear Parents,

We wanted to let you know that we are working on a plan for the end of the year and when you will be able to retrieve your students’ belongings. This includes spring photos, yearbooks, art projects, and personal items. As soon as we have a plan we will let you know. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Heart Challenge Update

We wanted to give you an update on the Heart Challenge Fundraiser that was held in January and February. Thank you to everyone who donated to this fundraiser. Our school’s Heart Challenge donation this year for AHA was $10,131.51. All prizes that the students will be delivered to the school in the fall.

1st Day School Supplies

Hey Parents,

There will be a 1st Day of School Next year! Have you visited 1st Day School Supplies yet to purchase your child’s back to school kit? I am so happy our school has partnered with them, especially right now. This year get all your school supplies RISK free from the safety and comfort of your own home.

On top of that, they are offering up all the accessories we need including Vera Bradley, JanSport, and Under Armour backpacks, lunch boxes and water bottles! So this year avoid the “germy” experience of back to school shopping at retailers and shop online with confidence knowing you are getting the exact supplies your teacher requested.

This Week at Legacy

In case you missed the email on Friday from our Admin team…

We did it! We made it through the first week of remote learning. We have hit a few snags, but overall, teachers have had positive feedback from parents and students. We have been working through best practices, preparing to launch a video platform, and feeling like connecting with our students and parents is our top priority at the moment. The times are changing and we are doing our best to stay ahead of the potential changes and communicate with you anything we may know.

We are working to make it easier for students to connect to their teachers and see them Live. If your teacher has set up a Zoom Room; you can find out How to sign in to a Zoom meeting using Clever on a student iPad. Students will start to see the Zoom app showing up on their iPads as early as Monday. Students will not be able to create Zoom accounts and only access teacher zoom rooms through the Clever system.

We are thankful for the community of Legacy Academy and we are honored to watch how remote learning has been embraced.